Our Mission

Sow | Peace

Our Commitment

It is in this spirit the ‘Sow | Peace’ initiative has been created – to place our imprint in the sand of history and offer lasting legacy that leaves our society and world better than we found it. We will work to identify trustworthy individuals and institutions whom dedicate time and effort to change the lives of those forgotten and suffering in our society, and to educate and improve the conditions on this planet( in all facets which is Good). 

The Recadity overall goal is build a community that can have a bit of an adventure collecting art while also bringing an awareness to the important need to lift the least of those among us from a place of suffering and to get back to the basic necessity of conserving and preserving the limited resources on our planet. We believe the two are inextricably bound and we as a society must work together to keep both balanced.

In fulfilling our part to such a gigantic and worthy cause, 10-20% of all Recadity sales will be donated to entities listed on our donation page. And while meaningful, it is but a miniscule drop in a bucket in comparison to the challenges we all face as a community. We cannot do it alone so we humbly request everyone to ‘Get In’-volved and contribute in whatever capacity one believe is ‘Good’. Whether it is directly to the listed entities on our page, to this initiative or through your own initiative and partnerships, it is paramount as a community we make considerable gains where people before us have failed.

Our Mission

The overall goal of this initiative is build a community that can have a bit of an adventure exchanging digital content while also bringing an awareness to the important need to lift the least of those among us from a place of suffering and to get back to the basic necessity of conserving and preserving the limited resources on our planet. We believe the two are inextricably bound and we as a society must work together to keep both balanced.

Our Commitment

In fulfilling our part to such a gigantic and worthy cause, 10-20% of all Recadity service revenue  will be donated to entities listed on our donation page. And while meaningful, it is but a minuscule drop in a bucket in comparison to the challenges we all face as a community. We cannot do it alone so we humbly request everyone to ‘Get Involved’ and contribute in whatever capacity one believe is ‘Good’. Whether it is directly to the listed entities on our page, to this initiative or through your own initiative and partnerships, it is paramount as a community we make considerable gains where people before us have failed.

Sow | Peace

It is in this spirit the ‘Sow | Peace’ initiative has been created – to place our imprint in the sand of history and offer lasting legacy that leaves our society and world better than we found it. We will work to identify trustworthy individuals and institutions whom dedicate time and effort to change the lives of those forgotten and suffering in our society, and to educate and improve the conditions on this planet( in all facets which is Good). 

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission

The overall goal of this initiative is build a community that can have a bit of an adventure exchanging digital content while also bringing an awareness to the important need to lift the least of those among us from a place of suffering and to get back to the basic necessity of conserving and preserving the limited resources on our planet. We believe the two are inextricably bound and we as a society must work together to keep both balanced.

Our Commitment

In fulfilling our part to such a gigantic and worthy cause, 10-20% of all Recadity service revenue will be donated to entities listed on our donation page. And while meaningful, it is but a minuscule drop in a bucket in comparison to the challenges we all face as a community. We cannot do it alone so we humbly request everyone to ‘Get Involved’ and contribute in whatever capacity one believe is ‘Good’. Whether it is directly to the listed entities on our page, to this initiative or through your own initiative and partnerships, it is paramount as a community we make considerable gains where people before us have failed.

Sow | Peace

'Get-In' Initiative

It is in this spirit the ‘Sow | Peace’ initiative has been created – to place our imprint in the sand of history and offer our portion towards a lasting legacy which leave our society and world better than before we visited it. We will work to identify trustworthy individuals and institutions whom dedicate time and effort to change the lives of those forgotten and suffering in our society, and to educate and improve the conditions on this planet( in all facets which are Good). 

Our Commitment

In fulfilling our part to such a gigantic and worthy cause, 10-20% of all Recadity service revenue will be donated to entities listed on our donation page. And while meaningful, it is but a minuscule drop in a bucket in comparison to the challenges we all face as a community. We cannot do it alone so we humbly request everyone to be engaged and contribute in whatever capacity one believe is ‘Good’. Whether it is directly to the listed entities on our page, to this initiative or through your own initiative and partnerships. It is paramount as a community we make considerable gains where people before us have failed.